SureShot Training Cartridge
Save Time & Money: Get quality trigger time from the comfort of home, and save on ammo costs in your very first session.
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Save Time & Money: Get quality trigger time from the comfort of home, and save on ammo costs in your very first session.
Why Laser Training
- Save money on ammo and range time
- Keep your ammo for when you really need it
- Avoid the time and hassle of driving to a range
- No need for ear protection
- Shoot at the fly on the wall without putting a hole in your roof
- Won’t wake the neighbors
- No one calls the cops when you “practice” at home
- Keeps your weapon clean / no need to clean your weapon after practice
★ ★ ★ ★ ★ 5.0
What are people saying...
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
I never realized how much is “going on” inside me when I shoot. At the range, it’s noisy and a little nerve-wracking, so I just sort of get up there and aim and shoot without really knowing what I’m doing. But when I practice at home with SureShot I’m able to slow down, breath more calmly, and really notice how I’m holding the gun, how I’m standing and aiming etc. It’s really given me a sense of confidence using my gun!
-Scott L.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Wow! Just 5 days practicing with SureShot at home before going to the range has done “something.” I was nailing 10’s from 30’ with my 9mm AND my 45 and I haven’t been that consistent with the 45 before! I love practicing at home, I have so much more natural feel for what I’m doing now
-David R.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
“My boyfriend got me a pistol because of all the insanity going on in our city. I’ve always been against guns until I started hearing about people in our neighborhood getting attacked and robbed walking home from a high school basketball game. So we started to practice a little with the SureShot at home. My boyfriend showed me how to hold the gun, look at the sights and pull the trigger. At first I was scared just to hold the gun at all, but after we practiced a few times, I have to admit, it became kind of fun. I’m getting better at hitting the target (or the second circle lol) with SureShot and I don’t feel so afraid of guns anymore
-Lisa S.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Dude! This is (expletive deleted) amazing! I could buy 10 of these for what I was spending on practice ammo every month! Seriously it cost less than a box of 9mm (if you can even find it anymore). I’m sold!
-Roger B.